Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof...aka Racoon at 4am

I have a whole list of things I want to blog about. Yes, I know I missed Money Making Monday. Sorry. There's this little thing I do called work that got in the way. I'll try to make up for it later. But, those other blog posts are going to have to wait because...

This morning, Fisher and I were awoke at 4am by a loud scratching sound. Actually, several loud scratching sounds. i thought maybe one of the troublesome chipmunks had made it's way into the wall, and was partying by our bedroom. Fisher went and looked out the front door (nearest to the commotion) and didn't see anything. The sound had stopped so he came back to bed. Then it started again. He got up, looked out our window, and there it was. A HUGE raccon, sitting on the roof looking down at us. That little bugger had been scratching at the roof. Fisher went outside to try to scare him away, and I think it worked. But this morning, when he assessed the damage, he found that there was an acutal hole into the roof.

He called the "Wildlife guy" who only charges $145 to come out and $50 per animal he takes away. Seriously? So, we may have to pay him some money, and we must, must, MUST get that hole fixed. Fisher is going to be away for a couple of days, and I'm tell you right now- if any kind of animal besides our dog is in our house, I'll be staying at a hotel until I am 100% sure that it is gone.


Sooz said...

Yikes! I hope that the little buggers stay faaar away.

Amy said...

Oh no, it was trying to GET INSIDE!! UUghh, I don't blame you, I'd be getting out if they were coming in. I hope you get that fixed soon.

lynn said...

I hope he stays away! Bummer that you now have to fix your roof. Never had racoons but we had a chipmunk in the basement once. Got in through the dryer vent. Scared the crap out of me when it started making noises!