Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Healing broken hearts....

Sahara's support continues, although it has been transferred to her parents, family, friends. Sahara is playing basketball in Heaven and there is no doubt that she is hitting all the 3 pointers! How do you heal a broken heart?? I don't know if you can. I think time lessens the pain, but the extrodinary loss is always fell. It's hard to see the good in things like this. It's not for the best- the best would have been for her to not have to be sick at all. She's not in a better place- because what better place is there than her mom's arms. I am a believer in God. I believe that God has a plan for each and everyone of us. He had a plan for Sahara and now he needs her in Heaven. There is no doubt in my mind that Amy and Shannon will use their grief to do something wonderful in her honor. No doubt at all.


The words of an Exile said...

Hey there,

That is really sad to hear, and I will keep you in my prayers. I was going through pages to round up Christians to promote a site for Christians.

You can find encouragement and edification here, as well as other faithful believers around you.


I will pray for you Amy. I can't really stick around right now. Remember to read your Bible, and God be with you.

Your brother in Christ,

The words of an Exile said...

I almost forgot to mention, I am user name Deo_vindice.