Thank you. Two words. Eight letters. So much meaning. On Friday night, I was able to cross another thing off my "Lifetime To Do List". I met Rick Springfield. When I was turning away from him, I said "thank you". But how do you convey the fullness of the meaning with those two words. I was saying thank you for so many things.
Thank you for the photo. Thank you for the hug. Thank you for the autograph. Thank you for making the book. Thank you for performing. Thank you for entertaining. Thank you for being so nice. Thank you for sharing yourself with your fans. Thank you for being open, honest and funny. Thank you for taking time to do meet and greets. Thank you for coming to Milwaukee year after year. Thank you for loving what you do. Thank you for continuing to do it. Thank you for being the catalyst that brings people together and forms life long friendships. Thank you for being you.
Thank you, Rick, for everything. I hope that you realize how much you are appreciated. How much entertainment and fun you have brought to my life. Thank you for being the catalyst for so many wonderful memories. Thank you, Rick. thank you so much!
Amy, I am SO happy I got to witness your Rick moment. I had no idea you had never met him! That is a MOST darling picture. I did get one of you guys from further back, which I will send to you, but there is a big old head in the way (and no it wasn't Rick's.)
What you wrote is just perfect. Now here's to the next time! *wink*
And GREAT for me to finALLY meet YOU (and Lynn M.) in the flesh, too!!
I am so happy you finally got to meet Rick.....here's to many more encounters! lol You put into words what I was thinking when I met Rick and whispered "Thank you" in his ear. I wondered if he truly understood everything I meant in those two words.
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