Friday, September 22, 2006

Quizzes, tests and lab practicals...OH MY!

It has been a busy week around our house. I had my first a & p test last week, which we still do not have back. Apparently one version was corrected with the wrong answer key, so they had to be regraded. So next Tuesday we should have them back. Then Tuesday we did our histology unknown, and I got them both right! (Thank goodness we were able to use our flash cards). Tuesday was also the first math test. I heard people talking about how hard it was, how they might drop the class, how they are going to the tutor, and I'm thinking "WHAT?" I guess I just remember enough of it from school, that it's all making sense to me. Either that or I completely fubbed it up but don't know it yet. We should get that test back on Tuesday also. Yikes!
This is girls weekend as Daddy is going out of town to an anniversary party. The girls are both having friends over tonight, and then tomorrow we're going to get Halloween costumes. Or things to make them. Hannah wants to make her costume this year, but I don't know what she wants to be. Should be interesting.
Caden, the cutest baby ever, turned one this week. I cannot believe how fast the past year has gone.
Grey's Anatomy's new season started last night, and it left a lot of things hanging, so it could be a really good season. They have always had great writers over there. I look forward to watching it every week, even more than ER and that is saying a lot.
Anyway, that's the scoop for now. I'll try to check in this weekend.

Two people who need your help and prayers. Please visit the links below:

Help anyway you can, even if it is just with thoughts and prayers.

Til next time,


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